Liquid-retaining floors | QUALM

Liquid-retaining floors

Laying liquid retaining floors

Liquid retaining floors are a form of soil protection. At sites where hazardous waste can enter and pollute the soil or groundwater, industries may need to install liquid retaining floors. Liquid resistant floors is needed, for example, in transhipment facilities where tanker vehicles are filled with chemicals, or storage facilities for hazardous substances. QUALM lays liquid retaining floors that has no openings to the soil, thus preventing pollution.

Liquid proof provisions

A liquid retaining floor collects leaked and spilled liquids and drains them away safely. Liquid proofing is an addition to your liquid retaining flooring, for example if you have underground mains. Leaks may occur which may pollute the soils. You are then required to place adequate volume collection containers, drip trays and storage containers.

Checks, maintenance and inspection

Liquid retaining flooring needs to be inspected every year. This is a visual check of connection points and drainage slopes to drains and gutters and for tears, subsidence and other irregularities. QUALM carries out this inspection work and if we come across any problems, we deal with them immediately. It is mandatory to use an external inspection agency every six years for the inspection and report.

Am I required to lay a liquid resistant floor?

Your permit for physical aspects  specifies whether you need to place liquid proofing. Some companies are required to place soil protection provisions. In most cases, this is at the discretion of the company.


Need a liquid-retaining floor?

Please do not hesitate to email us

ontwerp & realisatie: Reclameloods Rotterdam B.V.